OMG!! This is my first time out with my friends unofficially but with a permission from my parents of course. Well, i'm kinda introvert person and i usually not going out with my friends but with my parents only. So, i totally don't know what would it like and how  to dress up to certain places when going out with my friends. So, at Polo Ground, there was an awkward moment, happiness moments, and some tiring moments and also yeaah some painful moments too. Before going into it, let me say from the start. Firstly, it is school break and we felt so boaring sitting at home and watch televsion like a potato sitting on the couch. So, we planned to go out. First i thought that idea would not work out but sooner it is amazing. I was promise my friend to fetch me because i don't know that place. But later, my brother found that place, as i promise to my friend whom i don't have her phone number, I asked her to wait at a shop called : Cutie. Then, i waited... waited... waited.. for so long. Then, My brother fetch me straight away to the venue. Then. my friend arrived at cutie. She waited for about two hours. And another friend join with my friend in the car at cutie. She doesnot know i went to Polo Ground as if i does not have her phone number to contact to her. Then, as we planned to arrive at Polo Ground, at 10.00a.m. My friend arrived at 11.30a.m. but i arrived there about 9.30a.m. and play with my other friends. So then she came there. We were ate ice-cream and then guess what i wore to a park long skinny jeans, with a spagetti top and covered with black hot blazzer and i also worn high heel which is black too. I noe that sound crazy because under hot sun, i wore totally black outfits. I kinda feel like in microwave oven .. then we enjoy so much but my sittoule makes my heels to pain. So i think thats all oh yeah and we ate hotdog, sandwhich, french fried, and ham with cococola, and other carbonate drinks. So i think thats all . That was amazing day so it is so hard to forget i think i had enjoy alot with my friends. So that all , Bye :)

Monday 28 November 2011 Posted in | | 0 Comments »


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